Thursday, July 14, 2011

Rylyn's Update

It's hard to believe Rylyn will be 1 year old in two weeks. She has learned a bunch. Two weeks ago she conquered the sippy cup. Today she learned how to clap. She is crawling, scooting and babbling all over the place. She can say, "hey, dada and mama." She has slowly gotten a lot more hair. It's turning into a slight mullet in the back. She is very musical. Her favorite toys are any remote control, daddy's guitar, the paper trash she find in the office trash can and anything that makes noise. She is the happiest baby ever as long as you are giving her attention. She will eat just about anything (but it yet to put ANYTHING in her mouth) It's a blessing and a curse. Her favorite things are still swimming, taking a bath, stroller rides, looking at things and getting attention. We are thankful to be parents although it's some HARD work. Less than 90 days and we will have 2! Craziness!!