Thursday, March 31, 2011

Another bump in the road

We are scheduled to leave for Taiwan this coming Monday morning. We have booked our flights and everything. I just received the email from the orphanage saying the following:

"Rylyn's birthmother has not signed the paper and sent it back to the court. Now she refuses to answer our telephone calls. Withouth this second paper your adoption cannot be finished. We received the first paper giving the ok, then it is sent to the birthmom and she has to sign a paper, she does this when the postman delivers it and he sends it back through the post office to the court system. When that paper is received at the court then the judge can make the final decree. This is a time when all of your praying friends should be praying. What the issue is we do not know but when she will not answer our phone calls our hands are tied. God's hands are not tied. Please pray and ask everyone else to pray. We need that paper returned so the judge can make the final decree. Hope this is understadable. Ted does more of the court stuff. Just want you know what is happening so you can pray more intelligently. Without the final decree the case cannot be finished, cannot do the passport or physical or the Ait appointment. God is our refuge and strength, a very pressent help in time of trouble. Ps. 46:1"
Please pray for us!!

-betsey and greg

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh so close!

We got the word that all the papers were in and the go ahead to look for flights this weekend. We ended up booking our flight last night. We decided not to travel through Japan due to all the craziness going on at the moment. We didn't want to be exposed to the radiation...even though it was hard to pass up the $800 flights that went through Japan. After looking forever for flights and not finding much, we used a recommended travel agent named Todd. He was super helpful. We have a bassinet for Rylyn reserved on the long flight back. Hopefully she will be able to sleep some. We have been working on packing up all her stuff. I can't believe we are leaving so soon. We are SO thrilled. We are excited that my sister Laura will be coming with us. It will be nice to have some help as we dive into parenthood. Wahoo!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A little more news

I found out that the judge now has all the paperwork in her hands. We are praying for her to approve the adoption and send the final papers back to the orphanage. Please pray hard.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Progress in paperwork

A few updates...We are all very thankful that the recent earthquake in Japan had little effect on Taiwan. Other than some big waves, the orphanage said everything was okay there. As far as Rylyn's final paperwork, we did find out that the case worker had been to visit Rylyn's birth mom. Yay! She was supposed to get the report written up and sent last week. After that is written up, it will be sent to the court in Luo-Dong. They might have received it Friday. If not, it should be there in the next week. Next, the judge has to pass on the case, then the clerk has to send the paperwork to I-lan for processing. After that is done and then they will sent it back the clerk who will then send it back to the orphanage. The final papers have to come by mail so everything will be signed and sealed properly. We were told it will be about 2 to 3 weeks. We are very much hoping to fly around spring break time. please continue to pray for speedy paperwork. Thank you!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Just one more paper...

Were were emailed a few days ago and told the social worker responsible for contacting Rylyn’s birth mother and getting her report back to the judge here in Luo-Dong, did call the orphanage back today. She said she had been trying to get a hold of Rylyn’s birth mother to do the final report (the one that is holding up moving forward on the adoption) and each time the birth mother said she was working. The orphanage was able to get ahold of Rylyn's birth mom on her cell phone and and she said that the social worker had not yet made arrangements with her as to the time she would do the report for the judge. They strongly encouraged the birth mother to please try and get with the social worker to get the report done for the judge, otherwise we cannot move ahead with the adoption proceedings. It is frustrating for the orphanage to have to track down folks after the court date to get these reports in for the judge. If they don’t cooperate, then it just makes the paperwork drag out longer. Please pray that the birth mother makes arrangements with the social worker in the next few days so the judge can get the final papers. It is the only thing we are waiting for before we can start looking at flights! Thanks for your prayers.

-Two emotionally exhausted parents to be.

March Update

In Rylyn's March update we were told that she is doing great and now weighs 15.4 lbs and is 25.5 inches long. They said she still feels pretty light when they pick her up, but they can tell in her little thighs that she's putting on a little bit of weight! About a week ago during play time, she pushed herself up to a crawl position and they thought she might start going. She was defniitely excited to get to that new position and made a little move but then went back down to her tummy. They think she's going to start soon! We are hoping that she waits until we get there to show off her skills. They also said she's been chewing on her hands a lot lately, and they can feel bumps where more teeth might start coming in. With her solid food, some days she opens her mouth up wide and scarfs it down and other days she couldn't care less about eating it. But she'll still do her little Rylyn giggle either way! The last thing we were told is the other night when she was sitting in her chair, if anyone said her name she laughed hysterically. They said she has provided much entertainment and laugher within the orphanage.